the tent maker


inspired by paul the apostle, who demonStrateS with care & diligence how he became like all things to all men to save some, without compromising his call to ministry.

becoming like many Means sometimeS being in unfamiliar spaces. So we‘ve composed a menu once again with unconventional ingredients that will hopefully put our guests in an unfamiliar but brilliant culinary experience.

we’ve challenged ourselves this season to use his strategy to further define who WE ARE & TO prepare us FOr our next destination.


e1 - the good steward

Though we are free from all, we have made ourselves a servant to all, that we might win more of them.

This means scaling / expanding to other areas, while being good stewards of our home base in Stone Mountain village.


e4 - keeping kosher

To the Jews he became as a Jew, in order to win Jews. likE paUL We will recognize /respect others, their customs and traditions; without ever compromising the gospel.


e2 - tents

Tent makers were missions-motivated people who supported themselves in secular work as they dId cross-cultural evangelism on the job and in free time.

On the surface, many may see a coffee shop but we’re not! we aim to be the moden day tent makers who can use a cra ft to support ourselves, while building authentic relationships, credibility, and opportunities for us to be able to invest in others by finding common ground.


e5 - castleberry

the apostle paul paved such an amazing path, one we hope to follow.

same mission, different location: our Next Destination TBD but there we hope to better understand the culture of that community to best serve the people in that community. to become respected servers in tht community; to win some of them, if not all.


e3 - man in the middle

We serve people from different walks of life & with totally different world views everyday. and so how can we celebrate individuality, without offending our brothers/sisters? we wrestle with these tensions daily.

instead of just mastering our craft, we’ve challenged ourselves to take things a step further by becoming master listeners, image-conscious & adaptive.

Captured By: Dir. of Shots, Mary-Claire Stewart

TentMaker Menu_SQUARE.jpg

Artwork By: artist/producer, Andrew Blooms
